April 23, 2022



Michael Milnar


Justin Huebener


April 23, 2022


How We Met

A Real Gentleman

We met at an LGBTQ charity event called REVEL in October 2012 produced by the Stonewall Community Foundation, where Michael and I both volunteered time. We were both seeing other people at the time but became friends on Facebook and that was it. We didn't see each other again until the exact same event, two years later. We reconnected that night through mutual friends (thanks Reid!) and Michael suggested we get drinks the following week. The day we were supposed to meet Michael cancelled at the last minute, claiming he was sick. 'Likely story' I assumed, but he begged to get the date back on the calendar right away so I obliged. The day before we were meeting Michael wrote me on Facebook, confirming our plans and expressed that he was looking forward to meeting for happy hour the next day, and at the end of his note, told me to "invite whoever you want." "What?" I thought to myself. I assumed this was a date... We met at Barrage, a gay bar in Hell’s Kitchen, after work that Thursday. Michael asked if anyone was joining...I said “No”. Hahaha. Some of Michael's friends would be swinging by later to join us (hi, Ray!). Conversation was great, wasn't getting any vibes, but it was lovely to catch up with Michael. A heart of gold, positive and warm, and such a generous spirit, Michael knows no stranger - he was just so much fun to be around. I had tickets to a show that night, and as I was leaving the topic of my (ex-) boyfriend came up. “Alex?” I said. “Yeah”, replied Michael. “Oh, we broke up last spring”. “Oh!”, declared Michael, “I didn’t realize you were single.” And with that, everything suddenly made so much sense. Our first “real” date was the following Monday. Almost six years ago.

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